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450 students from 40 countries are studying in GTU affiliated colleges

Total 450 students from 40 countries are studying in GTU affiliated colleges. Recently the students celebrated National Day of China, Spain, Kenya, Brazil, Malaysia & Poland.

The Global Country Study Report (GCSR) is two-semester project in the curriculum of GTU’s Global MBA program. Since last three years, MBA students of GTU are studying various aspects like cultural, political, environmental, economic and demographical of countries of the world. They identify the bilateral trade opportunity of Gujarat and India with the country of study and propose a detailed business plan to establish or improve the business in a specific industry.

The Celebration began with lamp lighting by all the guests. As a part of the National Day Celebration, all the participants and Guests recited the national anthems of the concern countries. Prof.(Dr) Navin Sheth, Vice Chancellor of GTU said that this project can create a different identity of our MBA students who will be well equipped with the necessary knowledge about international business. He advised students to study the country thoroughly. He told that all faculties and students studying one country should always remain updated with latest happening in their country of study.

In the Technical session, the students from all the four institutes presented the STEEPLED Analysis done on their respective countries, analysis of the prospective industries of the GCSR country, prospects in Gujarat and the same at the allocated other states of India. They also discussed their learning outcomes of the company/industry visits during the gap of semester. The panel members have given their comments on the area of improvements with respect to the presentations on specific country.

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