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  • Writer's pictureGTU

4 lakh register in a month on GTU student data portal

Just like foreign universities, the Gujarat Technical University (GTU) has set up an online portal from where verified student records and stationery can be downloaded. As many as 3.85 lakh students have registered themselves on the portal since it went online a month ago.

“If a candidate has for some reason not been able to fill an examination

form in person, he can now do it online till a day before the exams. People

had to run from pillar to post to get their transcript certificate but with the

portal this issue will be sorted out,” said a GTU official.

Details and documents like examination results, migration certificate, examination forms, duplicate marksheet, ranking, Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) etc can now be accessed through the portal. The portal also offers students the ease of applying online for various processes like reassessment of exams. In a step that is immensely helpful to students abroad, the portal allows accessing and downloading migration and transcript certificates. Till now, availing these entailed an extremely cumbersome process.

“This is a unique initiative, where a university in the state has developed an online portal for students to avail all academic information. Even verification for jobs or further studies in India or abroad can be done at a click,” said Navin Sheth, vice chancellor of GTU. To aid verification details like Aadhaar card, photograph of the candidate and enrolment number of candidates have been put up on the portal.


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