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Big step by Gujarat government: 3 lakh college students to get table PCs for just Rs 1000

Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani distributed NAMO E-Tablets under the aegis of State Education Department to First Year (FY) students of Gujarat University (GU) and Gujarat Technological University (GTU) and Technical Diploma Courses at a token cost of Rs.1,000 each at a function here today.

Speaking on the occasion, he said that Rs.30-crore thus collected would be ploughed back to provide Wi-Fi facilities in educational campuses and libraries. It is very important to equip the students with digital gadgets to let them compete in the global knowledge world. Earlier, youth needed knowledge of scriptures and weapons. Now it is age of digital technology

Refuting the criticism that the scheme was introduced last year with a budgetary provision of Rs.200-crore in 2017 as an election gimmick, he said that it is the second year and it would continue for the next four years. These 4G tablets would be upgraded in subsequent years.

Mr. Rupani said that Gujarat has already 60 universities including specialised ones like Petroleum, Forensic Sciences and Marine, while Railway University is on anvil. He said that Schemes like Start-up India, Stand-up India, i-Create are to let youth develop their latent talents. The aim is to make youth job-givers and not job-seekers.

He said the government has also started Virtual Classroom in place of black board, Gynakunj. We invoke Goddess Saraswati, Durga and Annapurna to make Sujalam Sufalam

The dropout rate has come down from 85-90 per cent 15 years back to 1.5 per cent now.

Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasma said that Gujarat Government arranges Hackathon every weekend to let industrial sector help the government.

Principal Secretary for Education Anju Sharma gave details of the scheme and said it has been received very well by the student community. Those present on the occasion included Minister of State for Education Vibhavariben Dave, Director Avantika Singh, GU Vice-Chancellor Himanshu Pandya and GTU Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr) Navin Sheth and a large number of officers and officials.


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