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GTU offers Design Thinking, Innovation and start up courses to 14 countries

GTU participates as Director of India Chapter for APEN (Japan) at Board meeting in Malaysia

Ahmedabad: Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has offered Design Thinking, Innovation and start up courses to Asia Professional Education Network (APEN), a network of 14 countries. This year 8th BOD meeting of Asia Professional Education Network (APEN) was held at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 27th November, 2018. On behalf of GTU, Dr. Makarand V. Karkare, Director (Graduate School of Engineering and Technology, GTU has participated as Director of India Chapter for APEN Japan).

GTU has been trying to significantly improve the quality of graduates/diploma holders that it offers to the industry and society through a number of innovative programs and initiatives. GTU is always working towards providing all necessary exposure to the students which can make them industry ready. Considering its initiatives & achievements to merge the Academia-Industry gap, GTU was invited to represent India in Asia Professional Education Network (APEN). APEN has been founded on 6th June, 2011 and it is the first education network in Asia, which specially aims at producing professionals, who can solve the many issues that industry confronts today and in the future.

Currently, APEN has 14 Directors from 14 countries, and the Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, (AIIT, Japan) plays the role of secretariat. Other members of APEN are Gujarat Technological University (India), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), Pohang University of Science and technology (South Korea), Vietnam National University (Vietnam), Institute of Cambodia (Cambodia), Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), Thammasat University (Thailand), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia), National University of Laos (Laos), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), De La Salle University (Philippines), University Brunei Darussalam (Brunei), Yangon Technological University (Myanmar). Prof. Dr. Sha’ri Bin Mohd. Yusuf; Dean, UTM hosted the meeting and welcomed all the dignitaries with dinner. Second day, Prof. Dr. Seichi Kawata- Chairperson APEN welcome all the board members and the meeting began with a Special invited lecture of Prof. Dr. Gautam Dasgupta emirates Prof. of Columbia University, USA on Mitigating Extreme Natural, Industrial & Terrorism followed by question-answers and discussions.

The detailed progress report was elaborated by Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda- Secretary APEN. He remembered the past annual meetings and the various activities carried by APEN in various parts of Asia right from 1.12.2011 to till date. He especially remembered the 6th Annual Board of Directors meeting at GTU on 6th December 2016 along with the memorable events on the occasion and appreciated the activities carried by GTU. As an essential part of the meeting, the various important presentations were made by the member directors in an open technical seminar. Prof. Karkare has given presentation on Contribution and Achievements of GTU. He elaborated the intensified and continuous efforts done by all the stakeholders with the regular appreciation and guidance given by Prof.(Dr) Navin Sheth, Vice Chancellor of GTU. Prof. Karkare also emphasised the convergence of different dimensions of higher education towards humanity and ready to use inventions for the benefit of the society and invited all the audience for ICON-2019 participation (exclusive International conference in Engineering, Pharmacy and Management area). Further, he also invited the students and faculty members of member institute for higher studies for the matchless PG courses run by GSET, GSP & GSM giving the short details as well as for the courses in Design Thinking, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

The following points were discussed in the meeting:

  1. The APEN recurrent educational initiatives- The continual education for all the age groups for diversifying their skills and ability so that, their valuable experience, skills, and initiatives are fully utilised for society and for creating more jobs.

  2. The implementation of the Japan- ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) Multiversity System & was decided to continue with it for the purpose of curriculum enhancement as per the need of the time. Dr. Karkare, GTU elaborated the efforts of GTU towards the skill development in a continuous manner, curriculum enhancement (with an interval of every 3 years) as per the need of the time that was honoured, endorsed and accepted for nationwide implementation by AICTE, New Delhi, India and the efforts towards imbibing and enhancement of ethical values in the young emerging technocrats as a part of service to society (and humanity as a whole) by virtue of adding related subjects in the curriculum. This was appreciated by all.

  3. APEN outreach principle to join more countries to make the organization more useful to the developing /underdeveloped nations of the world was warmly accepted.

  4. It was decided to establish the General Assembly Meeting after every 3 years including technical seminars/ conferences etc on the event was accepted.

  5. APEN initiative on Islands Development will begin with the first conference in this respect at Hachi-Jima Island (Tokyo, Japan) in May-2019 were also discussed and accepted.

The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Seichi Kawata– Chairperson APEN & President of Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan, Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda– Secretary APEN & Professor – Director for Foreign Affairs; President of Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan, Prof. Dr. Makarand V. Karkare– Director- GSET, Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Prof. Dr. Sha’ri Bin Mohd. Yusuf; Dean, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Alvin B. Culaba– Fellow & Prof. , De La Saile University, Phillipines, Prof. Dr. Xuan-Tu Tran– Head, Sci. Tech. & International Relations, Vietnam National University, Vietnam, Prof. Dr. Chandratilak De Silva Liyange– Dean, Universiti Brunei, Darussalam, Brunei and Prof. Dr. Satoshi Yoshida– Professor, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan.


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