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GTU suggests more weightage to practical skills & tech use

GTU participates in MHRD workshop on Higher Education Leadership Development of University Administrators

Ahmedabad: Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has suggested Government of India to give more weightage to practical skills and case study in professional courses. GTU also recommended to encourage use of technology in education including MOOC as well as Hub and Spoke model and Virtual Lab concepts and inculcate soft skills & Encourage International Collaboration to make students industry-ready.

Prof. (Dr.) S. D. Panchal – Registrar (I/C), GTU and Dr. J. C. Lilani Controller of Examinations (I/C), GTU were invited to participate in the MHRD workshop on Higher Education Leadership Development of University Administrators from 7-9th January, 2019 at National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) New Delhi. Total 52 officers of cadre of Registrar, Controller of examinations, Deans, Directors from different IIT’s, State Universities, Institute of National Importance from 13 different states made their presence in this workshop.

Prof. (Dr.) S. D. Panchal delivered presentation on Strategy for Improving Quality: Accreditation, Teaching, Research and Use of Technology in this workshop. He suggested to give freedom to faculty by avoiding giving them other administrative duties. He also suggested that Research work should be counted in the teaching workloads. In his presentation he highlighted following Best Practices adopted of by GTU under the guidance of Prof.(Dr) Navin Sheth, Vice Chancellor: 1) GTU’s exemplary work for Use of Technology in Examinations System of E-Assessment and Online Question Paper Delivery system:

· Total No of Students: 300000 (Engg., Management, Pharmacy, Diploma, MBA, MCA)

· No of Subjects: approx. 3000

· Total manuscripts: approx. 9000

· Total No of Answer sheets assessed: 1755000

· Total no of Examiners: approx. 15000 involved in assessments

· Exam centres: 420

· QPDS is developed.

· Scan copy of the answer sheets are delivered to examiner’s portal on 3rd day of the exam and 15 days are given to each examiners to complete assessment

2) Industry need based research through GTU Sankuls and spoke and hub model.

3) Motivating Start- up, Creating environment to promote Innovation in ecosystem and to create awareness for patent through IPR activity. GTU recommended to provide platform to innovators for encouraging their ideas/Start-Up

Use of Technology by GTU:

· Online Admission Process

· Students portal

· Enrolment Process, Any certificates, Grade history, filling exam forms rechecking/ reassessment process

· Institute Admin Panel portal

· Update Institute data / Faculty Information

· See the Results analysis

· Placement portal, Project Monitoring and Maintenance System (PMMS), Term Management and Monitoring System (TMMS),100 points activity monitoring system,

· Paperless and Cashless environment in most of the tasks


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