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GTU to train 100 professors in Research Methodology

Ahmedabad: Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Centre for Governance Systems (CGS) & Centre for Financial Services (CFS) will jointly organize a National Level One-Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on ‘Basics of Research Methodology’ during 11th July, 2016 – 17th July, 2016. Around 102 faculty members of Engineering as well as Management colleges will participate in the programme.

Experts from prestigious institutes of India and abroad, like Dr. Nishith Bhatt, Dr. Ashok Mittal, Dr. Mamta Brahmbhatt, Dr. Balwinder Singh, Dr. Rajesh Modi and Dr. Ritesh Patel, will provide the training. This FDP aims to impart knowledge on Research Methodology, Hypothesis Testing, Correlation & Regression, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Variability, Measures of Shape, Descriptive Statistics, Probability Distributions, Parametric & Non Parametric tests, Time-series analysis, Literature Review, Citation, Referencing Styles, and Ways to avoid Plagiarism etc.

The objective of the FDP is to help participants to gain basic understanding of research methodology and their utility within related areas as a means of summarizing data, making estimates and testing hypothesis. Participants will learn concepts related to sample statistics and how to make inferences about populations from the same. They will gain quantitative literacy related to basic statistics and learn basics related to research methodology.

In today’s scenario, decision making has become multifaceted and complicated. It thus has become imperative to identify the research problems with the objective of creating knowledge for the benefit of business, economy and society at large.  Researchers at times, find themselves technically constrained while promoting research due to lack of understanding of statistical analysis and techniques. So, there is a need of developing an understanding in designing and carrying out research that can better equip faculty to effectively guide their own research and student’s research work and dissertation. This FDP focuses on the procedure to do research. As a researcher it is mandatory for one to know the basics, in order to satisfy the purpose of research and establish an acceptable conclusion.


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