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GTU will form new committee to boost start – ups & create new regulations

Dr. Rajul Gajjar & Dr. Akshai Aggarwal felicitated by All GTU affiliated institutes

Ahmedabad: Gujarat Technological University (GTU) will form a new incubator committee next week to boost start – ups. If any students give guarantee of Rs. 10,000 income per month till one year from his or her project, then the student can get start – up fund. To promote creative ideas of students, GTU will mentor them to convert their innovative projects into superb products. This was announced by Dr. Rajul Gajjar, in-charge Vice Chancellor of GTU.

She was responding felicitation organised by GTU affiliated institutes. She said that GTU will map industry with academia. We will welcome electives suggested from local industries. The electives will be included into syllabus according to facilities available to teach the electives in nearby institutes. She also announced that GTU will also start process of creating regulations. Principals, managing trustees and Directors of GTU affiliated institutes as well as Deans and officers of GTU were present on the occasion. Outgoing Vice Chancellor Dr. Akshai Aggarwal and in-charge Vice Chancellor Dr. Rajul Gajjar were felicitated by GTU affiliated institutes.

Noted educationalist Dr. C.L. Patel, president of Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM), which is the largest educational trust by running 46 educational institutions from KG to PG and Research having more than 40,000 students also expressed his feelings in the ceremony. Dr. Patel said that I have spent 28 years in education field, but I have never seen such an honest, sincere, visionary and competent person like Dr. Aggarwal. He has done great work by sending students to USA, Canada, Germany & now Russia. Mr. Manish Shah, Vice President of L.J. Campus also opined similar view and added that Technical education wise Gujarat is ahead than neighboring states, which is due to initiatives by Dr. Aggarwal. He provided energy to any person, who met him. We wish him to continue mentoring the association.

Dr. Aggarwal reacting to the felicitation, advised GTU affiliated institutes to develop USP for each college. He added that out of 111 GTU colleges, each and every college should create its own identity in the field of technology. Then there will not be any reason for seats to remain vacant in engineering colleges. Presently, around 27,000 seats may remain vacant in engineering colleges, as per prediction shown in recent media reports. He said that industry always says that good engineers are required. So there is no issue of engineers remain jobless. He advised institutes to try for getting grants for research. Also students must be encouraged to get involved in more and more projects and extra-curriculum activities to enable them industry-ready.

Mr. Janak Khandwala, BOG member of GTU and Managing Trustee of Silver Oak College of Engineering and Technology (SOCET) presented vote of thanks. He said that Dr. Aggarwal transformed GTU into inspirational university. Many programmes started years ago in GTU are now replicated by Union Government at All India level. Smart City, Start Up and Innovation are the brain child of GTU, which are now implemented all over India. This is matter of pride for all of us.

Mr. Pravinbhai Maniyar, President of VVP Engineering College also spoke about bright performance of Dr. Aggarwal as Vice Chancellor of GTU. He said that Dr. Aggarwal gave too much to the GTU affiliated institutes. He created a platform and gave lots of opportunities for institutes to progress ahead. Mr. Nanjibhai Vakharia, President of MBA Association and Mr. Jitendra Patel, President of Diploma Association were among dignitaries present on the Dias. Mr. Rajubhai Shah, BOG member of GTU, Dr. Indrajit Patel from Charutar Vidya Mandal, Dr. N.M. Bhatt, Director, Gandhinagar Institute of Technology, Dr. Shital Shah, The Principal, Parul Institute of Technology were among the head of institutions present on the occasion. Dr. Saurin Shah, Principal. Silver Oak College of Engineering & Technology anchoring the event said that Dr. Aggarwal made GTU a real International Innovative University and expressed confidence that Dr Rajul Gajjar, in-charge Vice Chancellor will carry forward vision of Dr. Aggarwal to make the GTU touching new height globally.

Snaps of the event:



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