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M-to-M concept adopted to push up student start ups

GTU to train 1800 students for making them entrepreneurs

Ahmedabad: Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has adopted M-to-M [Mind-to-Market] concept to push up students start ups. This year GTU will give training to 1800 bright scholar students for making them entrepreneurs under B.Tech. minor and special programs. The program will become value addition to engineering students.

Shri Hiranmay Mahanta, Hon. Director of GTU Innovation Council (GIC) said that, entrepreneurship is not only about making money. Base of entrepreneurship is problem solving. If an idea of any student is genuine, then lot of work can be done on it. He advised students to work on an original problem concerning society & then find buyer. In such a case, GTU will provide funding, incubator, mentoring and incubation space. The biggest start ups come from classes. Innovation is happening at a pace you cannot imagine. Think differently, build something cool, something unique and be part of the history.

GTU organised one-day workshop on “student projects to student start ups” for which GTU has invited state toppers in computer and IT branch and key stake holders of the start up ecosystem. GTU Innovation council has taken up many initiatives for student start-ups such as Student Start-up Policy, TBI Guidelines, B.E Minor/Specialization in Technology Entrepreneurship, Crowdfunding & other initiatives, Benefit/Start-up Assistance scheme through Nodal Institute. This workshop was held to focus on all the start-up initiatives of the university, sensitizing students to incline them towards the entrepreneurial ecosystem and thinking beyond the project. The students play a vital role in establishing and conceptualizing the “Start-up India, Stand-up India mission” dream of Hon. Prime Minister. At our university we have thousands of students in the sixth semester of Bachelor of Engineering in various different branches. These students are well focused for their final year project. The workshop provided them an opportunity and road ahead to convert their projects into start-ups. This unique model which was initiated by the GTU last year was discussed and key inputs from the incubators and students will be considered to revamp the present structure.

Some successful start ups from GTU and representatives of venture funds mentored the students in the full – day workshop. Yash Shah of Griddle, Yash Shah of e-Swasthya, Sharad Parekh, Mitesh sethwala of Alagrand, Rahul Bhagchandani of Youth Connect, Paresh Vora of Venture Studio, Nitasha of CIIE, Gautham of & U.T Rao of MICA provided start up tips to students. Last year through 215 workshops/ programs at S4, Student Start-up Support System, 25030 students and professors participated and benefited in start-up related efforts.  Nearly 103 student start-ups participated through various activities across start-up value chain at this centre. Through workshops and programs of Community innovation and Co-creation centre, CiC3, in 83 programs 4249 students and professors participated. Through the efforts of making design spine to contribute in make in India at Open design school, 40 workshops of 3 days each were held through which 2822 faculty members were trained who later implemented 1st of its kind design program in India at GTU.

On 17th July 2015, impact case study of such centre was presented to Hon. Finance Minister of Gujarat while he launched Start-up efforts at AMA where he publicly shared that Gujarat should have such centres at strategic locations in all major cities and districts of Gujarat and GOG will facilitate this so that 500 student start-ups can be hatched every year through physical and virtual incubation process through hub and spoke model. DST, GOI took special note of all these efforts and Secretary NSTEDB applauded the efforts of this centre. later on NSTEDB, Govt of India approved this centre to be converted as a 1st technology Business Incubator, TBI among any State technology university across India to support young start-ups through a central govt support



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