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Notification issued by UGC for regulation of online courses

University Grant Commission (UGC) has recently issued a notification on 04.07.2018 for the regulation of Online Courses. This regulation lay down the minimum standards of instruction for the grant of Certificate or Diploma or Degree, through online mode, delivered through interactive technology using internet.

In this regulation, UGC has defined eligibility criteria for higher educational institutions for offering online courses, application for the online courses or programmes, approval process, operation of the Online Courses and programmes, Course or Programme Monitoring and renewal, Quality Assurance. This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Dr. Satya Pal Singh in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.

National Digital Library set to collaborate with several top digital libraries of the world

National Digital Library of India (NDLI) has taken steps towards collaboration with several top digital libraries of the world.

NDLI organized an International Workshop in New Delhi on October 25th to 27th, 2017 along with UNESCO, Cluster Office, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Representative from 13 Countries, both as speakers as well as participants, attended this Workshop. NDLI has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with British Library for integrating contents of its “Two Centuries of Indian Print Project”. NDLI is also working closely with European Foundation (Digital Library of EU) in creating a platform for content and technology interchange between over a dozen digital libraries of the world. NDLI has also become a member of and sits on its Steering Committee to promote proper dissemination of copyrighted and non-copyrighted digital heritage items. Besides NDLI has integrated contents from several international sources like OECD -Library, PubMed, WHO and a few leading global publishers.

NDLI has several sub-projects to carry out research for making research data of specific domains, like Bio-marked Medical Images, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Pedagogy, available in appropriate forms.

Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme aims to increase Research & Development in Electronics & IT

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has initiated “Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and Information Technology (IT)” with an objective to enhance the number of PhDs in Electronics System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) and IT/IT Enabled Services (IT/ITES) sectors in the country and to give thrust to Research & Development, create an innovative ecosystem and enhance India’s competitiveness in these knowledge intensive sectors. The scheme is also expected to encourage working professionals and non-PhD faculty members to pursue PhD. The salient features of the scheme are as under:

  • This Scheme provides 25% more fellowship amount than most of the other PhD Schemes.

  • Part-time PhD candidates get one time incentive on completion of the PhD.

  • Scheme also supports 200 Young Faculty Research Fellowships in the areas of ESDM and IT/ITES with the objective to retain and attract bright young faculty members in these sectors

Fellowship of Rs.31,500/- per month is paid to Full Time Ph.D candidates,(for I & II  year); Rs. 35,0000/- (III to V year), a one time incentive of Rs. 2,50,000/- would be provided to Part Time Ph.D candidates on successful completion of Ph.D and a fellowship of Rs.20,000/- per month is paid to Young Faculty Research Fellows in addition to their regular income.

The research by PhD candidates is being done in various emerging technologies areas in the domain of Electronics & IT/ITES such as Internet of Things,  Cyber Security, VLSI Design, Wireless Communications, Cloud computing, Photovoltaic, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data etc. An Academic Committee consisting of domain experts has been constituted to oversee the progress of the scheme and address various technical/ academic issues. This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Dr. Satya Pal Singh in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.


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