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Professors must keep high expectations from their students, says Dr. Anil Gupta

Ahmedabad: PG Research Centre for Industrial Design (Open Design School) of Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has started a workshop series on Ideas to Product – Design Thinking. In this series, 1st Workshop was organised about Unmet Social Needs as Drivers of Innovations on 22nd November, 2016.  Dr. Anil Gupta from IIM – A was Chief Mentor of the workshop.

Dr. Gupta advised faculty members that if all professors keep high expectations from students, then they will perform better. We must encourage the students to perform the best and to do the best. If any student creates prototype of a project, then do not satisfy. Instead of that think about how the student can convert the project into the best product. Please change your mindset and broaden your vision. Only then achievements will become simple and natural. GTU sensitizing students about social problems and trying to find out solutions. Standard, Quality and Safety aspects must be keep in mind during finding such solutions.

Dr. Rajul Gajjar, I/c Vice Chancellor of GTU said that faculty members are the champions of the cause Design Engineering. We are here to drive you to be able guide of students. To find out the unmet social needs and solve those using technological advancements, GTU is organizing the workshop series. This series is going to organize in three phases from November 2016 to March 2017.  2nd phase of workshop series planned in December 2016 would aim at elaborating on the problems and identify the scope for improvement. 3rd phase of workshop series will be planned in February-March 2017 when faculty-student teams may present their solutions to the industrial and community representatives along with design experts to assess the utility of the solutions worked out. We have done lots of activities in rural outreach and published a book titled ‘GTU – Gramsetu’. There have to be ideas generation to solve social problems. This series of workshop will also help the faculty and senior students in documentation of the learning process. The workshop aims at Inventorising unmet needs of rural or urban communities, small scale entrepreneurs, public institutions in education, health, environment, energy, sanitation, or any other sector related to sustainable development.

Dr. N.M. Bhatt, Dean of GTU said that we have made many changes in syllabus including addition of Shodhyatra. We have included Design Engineering after Third semester. Shri J.C. Lilani, I/c Registrar of GTU gave welcome address. Dr. Karmjitsinh Bihola of Open Design School, GTU was the co-ordinator of the event.



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