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Two Start up Projects mentored by GTU wins award in state level competition

Ahmedabad: Anjil Jain, Manan Patel, Gaurav Sankhla and Bhumesh Seth of Vinglob Greentech start up mentored by Gujarat Technological University (GTU) was the winner at .INC Conference 2018 organised at Gujarat University.  Another start up project mentored by GTU, Multipurpose Crab Tool won the second prize

The competition was held, catalysing innovation and helping individuals share their ideas of a venture. Out of various entries received, 20 ideas were selected, and the participants were then given opportunity to pitch their ideas. Finally, 6 winners, including 3 honorary winners, were awarded the prize money. They will also get mentorship from Claris Capital Ltd. The event witnessed participation of more than 500 people including students, young entrepreneurs, and business leaders & professionals.

Krishna Handa, Founder – Claris Capital Ltd. and Brihati Foundation, inaugurated the event with lighting up the lamp and sharing the significance of such initiatives. Business leaders like Sushil Handa (The Fifth Veda Entrepreneurs), Arjun Handa (Claris Lifesciences Ltd.), Sandeep Goenka (Zebpay) and Karthik Reddy (Blume Ventures) shared their views and advice on entrepreneurship & start-ups to the budding entrepreneurs. The conference served as the kick-off for strengthening the start-up ecosystem in Gujarat.

  1. 1st prize – INR 1,00,000/-

  2. 2nd prize – INR 65,000/-

  3. 3rd prize – INR 35,000/-


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